Postdoctoral fellow at the University of London and Professor of the Bachelor's Degree in Image and Sound at the Federal University of São Carlos and the Professional Master's Degree in Creative Media at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Coordinator of the Center for Analysis of Cinema and Audiovisual (CENA/UFSCar) and President of IC – Institute of Creative Industries, member of UNCTAD/UN. She was President of FORCINE (Brazilian Forum for Film and Audiovisual Education) between 2016-2020, Author of 09 books on world cinema, politics and the audiovisual industry. She worked as a Research Fellow in Denmark at Aarhus University and VIA University/ School of Business, Technology and Creative Industries and as a Consultant for companies such as Netflix Brasil, Anima Mundi, JLeiva, Itaú Cultural, Spcine, among others.

Co-founder of animation production company Dogzilla Studio. He has worked in animation productions for award-winning feature films, series and short films in Brazil and abroad. Highlights include the awards for Best Short Film at the 47th Gramado Film Festival, Best Short Film according to critics from Rio de Janeiro at the 27th Animamundi, Canal Brasil Award at the 23rd Cine-PE, AnimaTV, 33rd Eko Film Festival, Green Nation Fest and two nominations at the Brazilian Cinema Grand Prix. In addition to animation production, he also edited and illustrated the comic albums “Se Meu Cão Falasse Tudo Seria Poesia” (nominated for the 2016 HQMix award), “Cidade Sorriso dos Mortos-Vivos” (the largest anthology of independent comics in Brazil), “Malditas Mouths - Curitiba and Its Blood Freezing Stories” and the children's book “Anacleto, the Balloon”. He currently directs animation series for the national and international market.

Paulo Camargo is a journalist graduated from the Federal University of Paraná - UFPR (1990), with a master's degree in Audiovisual Theory and Aesthetics (University of Miami, 2002), where he received a Fulbright Commission scholarship, and a PhD in Communication and Languages - Cinema and Audiovisual, from Tuiuti University of Paraná (UTP, 2018). He is professor of Journalism and Cinema courses at the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (PUCPR), where he coordinates the courses of the Multiarts Axis (Visual Arts, Music Production and Theater). He is a member of the Brazilian Association of Film Critics (Abraccine). Acts as editor and critic of the cultural journalism portal Escotilha. He is a cinema columnist for Paraná Educativa radio station. He was culture editor, film critic and special reporter for the newspaper Gazeta do Povo (PR), where he worked between 1996 and 2014.


Vagner Vasconcelos, better known as Valu, is one of the founders and current vice-president of ABRANIMA – Associação Brasileira de Animação. He produced the preschool series As Aventuras de Poti & Anda-Luz, broadcast on Amazon Prime, NetNow and the Looke platform. He also produced 5 authorial short films, and participated in the co-direction and
production of the feature film The Princess of Elymia (Stairs Animation). Since 2010, his studio has also been active in the authorial comic book market, with the flagship title Megasônicos, which also became an animated miniseries for the internet.

Award-winning producer/director of animation films from the French island of Martinique, in the Caribbean. Over the past two decades, he has produced and directed animated feature and short films, animated series, documentaries and live-action films that have won over 60 awards and 250 nominations at festivals around the world. In 2015, Alain Bidard made history by releasing the first animated feature film made in Martinique — Battledream Chronicle, awarded with 24 awards and 70 nominations worldwide.
Opening film: NAPO

Director and Screenwriter, Gustavo has been making films since he can remember. As a child, he used to gather his friends to shoot improvised films around the small town where he lived. Older, he graduated in Visual Arts at the Federal University of Paraná, where he developed his knowledge in the most diverse fields of art. He is one of the founders of the animation company Miralumo Films and Revolution, a digital arts school, both in Curitiba.
opening animation

Odirlei Seixas - He started his career in 1998 as an animator at Tecnokena. Afterwards, he went on a long journey making commercials, short films and participation in features such as Wood Stock Sexo Orégano and Rock´N Roll, by Otto Guerra and BRICHOS, by Paulo Munhoz, among others. In 2008 he founded, together with Fábio Vianna and Felipe Grosso, the animation studio Cabong Studios. Animated the pilot episode - Disney's Gravity Falls; made the concept art for Nissan's “Ponies Malditos” commercial. He served as General Director, Art Director and Animation Director and Screenwriter, in Cabong Studios' own series - "Planetorama" and "#partiuBrasil". Currently, he acts as General Director e Screenwriter in the development of 6 more series of his company. He is one of the animation directors of the series that was the first Brazilian animation series for Netflix “Super Drags”.

He is a media artist, art curator, designer and professor who lives and works in Curitiba, Brazil. He is a Master's student in Communication and Languages - Cinema and Audiovisual at Tuiuti University of Paraná. He studied specialization in Interdisciplinary Arts and Arts Teaching at the State University of Paraná UNESPAR/FAP in 2012. Since then, he has exhibited at festivals such as MADATAC, Subtle Technologies, Girona Film Festival, Homeostasis Lab, among others. Between 2017 and 2020 he was the ambassador/curator of the exhibition Subli_me and Laniakea by The Wrong – New Digital Art Biennale in Curitiba. In 2018/2019, he was part of the curatorship of the Curitiba International Art Biennial, winning the Young Curators Award. He currently curates physical and immersive/virtual environments and teaches Visual Arts at PUC-PR.

Prof. Dra Elisangela Lobo Schirigatti: Designer and professor at the Academic Department of Industrial Design at the Technological University of Paraná (UTFPR). She coordinates the Animation Design Center at UTFPR, being responsible for organizing extension events: National Meeting of Experimental Animation - ExperimentAnima, Week of Games, Comics and Animation - JoQA and the Open Laboratory of Animation. He is part of the organizing team of the Brazilian Seminar on Animation Studies - SEANIMA, is a member of the Red Latinoamericana de Estudios de Animación - Sur a Sur and coordinates the research project Cadeia Produtiva da Animação.

Marcelo Abilio Públio is a full-time professor at the Federal Technological University of Paraná (UTFPR). Co-coordinator of the animation and photography design centers at this University. PhD in animation from the Université de Picardie Jules Verne in France where he studied French policies to promote cartoon series that promote technosciences and space research during the cold war (ESA, Roskosmos, NASA, etc…). It also studies the political interests involved in the dissemination of cartoons on French television. He holds a master's degree in Economic Development from UFPR (2001) and a degree in Communication from ESPM São Paulo (1997).

Master in Communication and Languages (UTP, 2003). PhD in Visual Arts (IAR-UNICAMP, 2010). Postdoctoral degree from the School of Communication (UFRJ, 2015). Professor of Graduate Studies in Journalism, Public Relations and Advertising (UTP, 2004-2006). Professor of Graduation in Cinema and Audiovisual, Performing Arts, Music and Dance (Curitiba II Campus – UNESPAR, since 2006). Coordinator of the Graduation Course in Cinema and Audiovisual (2011-2013). Head of the Research and Graduate Division of the Campus of Curitiba II (UNESPAR, 2014-2018). Professor of the stricto sensu postgraduate course of the Professional Master's in Arts (Curitiba II Campus, UNESPAR, since 2018). Researcher in the areas of Philosophy, Aesthetics and Semiotics
Screenwriter, director and producer. He is currently making his fourth animated feature film – MEGAVIRUS – and a TV series entitled POING. He directed the first animated feature film from Paraná, BRICHOS, which gave rise to BRICHOS 2 (winner of the 2013 Brazilian Cinema Grand Prix) and the homonymous series shown in 19 countries. PhD in Communication and Languages from UTP, he is the creator of the concept of mise-in-technologie. Master in Technology by PPGTE-UTFPR. Specialist in Computing from PUC PR. Mechanical Engineer from UFPR. He is one of the founders and current president of ABRANIMA –
Brazilian Association of Animation. Founder of TECNOKENA. Creator and producer of ANIMATIBA.
PhD in Information Systems Design
[PPGDesign/UFPR], with research in game systems. Master in Social Anthropology
[PPGas/UFPR], specialist in Computer Graphics [PUC/PR] and Promotion and Advertising
[UFPR], holds a bachelor's degree in Visual Communication [UFPR]. Professor and researcher at UFPR together with
to LabDSI (Information Systems Design Laboratory). Member of groups
research: Digital and information design [UFPR], SAITE Group (Health Innovation Technology
Education) [UFMA] and INTERLUDICO (Ludic Therapeutic Intervention. Cognitive) [UFPR]. He has
experience in the areas of photography, audiovisual, animation cinema and design with an emphasis on
game design.
Postdoctoral UAlg University of Algarve Portugal (2013 - 2015), PhD in Comparative Literature, Cinema and Arts UCR University of California, Riverside (1998), Master in Film Studies ASU Arizona State University (1990) United States, Specialization in Literatures of English Language UFPR (1986), Graduation in Portuguese and English and respective literatures by UFPR (1984), Graduation in Piano Music by EMBAP (1964). Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Cinema at UTP. Director of Clipagem - Centro de Cultura Contemporânea - since 2011. Member of the International Council, the PC Publication Committee and the SRC - Standards Review Committee of the IAMCR - International Association for Research in Communication and Media.
PhD in Communication and Languages (Cinema and Audiovisual Studies) from Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná, with a postdoctoral degree in Communication (Filmic Analysis) from Universidade Anhembi Morumbi, Graduated in Letters from Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL), graduated in Publicity and Propaganda by Centro Universitário Unicesumar, specialist in Design Management by UEL, specialist in Communication Consultancy by Faculdade Pitágoras de Londrina. She works as an animation and documentary filmmaker through her company By Jani Mendonça Cinema e Artes.
Founder of Instituto Sócrates, a non-profit organization that has impacted the lives of young people in public schools since 2013.
Founder of Primavera Cidadã, a social movement that promotes awareness and social change initiatives through citizenship.
Current president of the Rotary Club Parque Barigüi, which continuously promotes projects aimed at improving the Curitiba community.
Communication advisor for the Union of Servers of the Court of Accounts of the State of Paraná.
CEO of i9comunicações and Takeit Marketing Digital.